Here’s the only list you need: All the tech, people, and products that mattered in 2013

Tech in China 2013: VCs are chasing online education, finance, and mobile

VentureBeat’s 12 most popular stories from 2013

Renewable ‘pedal power’ to light Times Square ball tonight

Funding Daily: New Year’s Eve party edition

Genetics prof: Why I won’t waste my money on a DNA test in 2014

3 online advertising trends to watch out for in 2014

How a mobile developer made tic-tac-toe harder — and more attractive — to casual gamers

Stealthy tech company Intelligent Portal Systems raises $4.3M

2013 was a more amazing year than you think

Sony could be Microsoft’s next big Windows Phone hardware partner

Reddit in 2013: 56B pageviews, 41M posts, 405M comments, and oh-so-many cats

How Zappos is getting rid of managers to retain a flat startup culture

Apple denies any involvement with NSA iPhone spy-program

6 tech tricks for having a fun (and regret-free) New Year’s Eve

GamesBeat’s 2013 Game of the Year: The Last of Us

Facebook reportedly wants to build a data center in Asia

Google to discontinue Schemer, the goal-sharing service that time forgot

Titanfall will have sniper rifles — but they are less effective than in Call of Duty

PowerUp racks up $850K on Kickstarter for iPhone-controlled paper airplanes

The best games of 2013 (GamesBeat staff picks)

We’re aiming high for 2014: Building our own apps and hardware

Hackers poke actual holes into ATMs to infect them with USB malware

26 amazing startups you need to watch in 2014

BitTorrent releases Bundle for The Act of Killing — a film about Indonesian death squads

Security in 2014: While hackers get better tools, the good guys will be in short supply

Dice delays Battlefield 4 ‘2XP’ event

These heat maps reveal where we feel love, anger, shame & sadness on our bodies

New Mac Pro teardown uncovers highly fixable, upgradable machine

The iPhone has reportedly been fully hacked by the NSA since 2008 (Update: Apple denies working with NSA)

LG’s fitness tracker, LifeBand Touch, leaks in pre-CES product shot

People Pattern raises $4.5M to help you uncover the personality of your sales leads

Is SolarCity the ‘energy company of the 21st century’?

Game streamer shares his ordeal of hacker attacks and a terrifying police raid

How to break into the tech industry (infographic)

IBM takes aim at cloud computing with lower carbon emissions

PTC acquires Internet of things startup ThingWorx for $112M

HP to lay off 5,000 more employees in aggressive cost-cutting measure