IGDA executive director: Subscription game services ‘make a lot of sense’ in a pandemic
Niantic’s Greg Borrud: From falling into games to making games for the real world
International Game Developers Association: Nonprofits ‘scrambling’ for funding amid pandemic
Microsoft Teams passes 75 million daily active users
Google Duplex now speaks Spanish, starts calling businesses in Spain to update hours
Mental wellness becomes a forefront issue for game professionals during pandemic
Facebook apps now used monthly by more than 3 billion people
Immortals CEO Ari Segal: The digital experience is at the ‘core of esports’
Google’s AI attempts to predict how yeast cell genes will express themselves
Ubisoft announces Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
People despise losing progress, so why is loss key to Eve Online
GamesBeat Summit Visionary Awards — Honoring two who shed light on mental illness in games
Microsoft reports $35.0 billion in Q3 2020 revenue: Azure up 59%, Surface up 1%, and LinkedIn up 21%
Jam City’s Josh Yguado: Games are the center of the entertainment universe
Exploding Kittens CEO: We need ‘air gapped’ game design
Google open-sources faster, more efficient TensorFlow runtime
Why the television writers’ room has come to game development
Video gaming history is ready for the spotlight
Game companies planning for up to 1TB-per-second bandwidth on ocean cables
Apple releases iOS 13.5 beta with coronavirus exposure notification (Updated: Google too)
Twitter’s new data stream lets researchers and developers study real-time coronavirus conversations
AI models suggest that masks can ‘significantly’ reduce spread of coronavirus
Amazon bought cameras from Chinese company on U.S. blacklist to screen for coronavirus
Facebook open-sources Blender, a chatbot people say ‘feels more human’
Streets of Rage 4 review — A brawl down memory lane
Ruha Benjamin on deep learning: Computational depth without sociological depth is ‘superficial learning’
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