Opera CEO still seeks U.S. success

FCC investigating rejection of Google Voice apps from iPhone store

Video: Hacker Charlie Miller on how he compromised the iPhone

FairSoftware tries to kill the handshake deal for iPhone app developers

Spying tools come to iPhone, legality dubious

Attack of the Palm Pre VoIP apps

What’s next: an eHarmony for Travel?

Apple fixes security hole in iPhone

Dear YouTube: When do Jill and Kevin get paid?

Please, please don’t personalize Twitter for me

FonGenie automates phone calls for small businesses

Hackers alter Wii controller for disabled users

Kleiner makes splash with inaugural water investment

Watercooler brings new revenue strategy to this fall’s Facebook fantasy football season

Ozmo snags $3.75M for wireless personal area networks

Touchscreen CrunchPad due in November, but price has crept up to $400

Zynga becomes No. 1 in number of online gamers

That NDA might be hurting more than it helps

Open data is the future of web discovery

An Achievement Whore on Achievement Whoring.

Cultural Blips: Tetris Heart Tattoo, Nuka-Cola Quantum, Pac-Man Oven Mitt, and More

A Glutten of Cake Tale

Speaking of Inside Jokes in EGM…

With Great Power: Sucker Punch Gets (In)Famous

News Blips: PS3 70% Less To Make, New Square Enix Countdown Site, Braid On PS3, and More

Video game “celebrity” autographed cards are the next big thing

My Girlfriend is a Blood Elf: Social Architecture within MMO Worlds

Video Blips: 360 Avatars in Guitar Hero 5, Persona PSP, Darkest of Days, and More

Steam Powered: Dawn of War II

To arms! How to join David Pogue’s Take Back the Beep campaign

MySpace Mail launches, officially part of the new MySpace

Roundup: Pogue’s voicemail rage, YouTube monetization, more Techmeme bragging

Movie startup Blowtorch flames out as Ignition’s bad luck streak continues

HootSuite helps you manage your brand on Twitter (hey, it works for the White House)

BlackLight Power signs sixth utility deal to produce power from water

Smart parking meters aren’t so hard to hack

Firefox approaches 1 billion downloads

Search startup Surf Canyon adds more ways to find relevant results