Zork: The Rock Opera?

BumpTop adds multitouch interface for Windows 7 computers (get free codes)

GetJar launches easy-branding mobile app installer

Study: Venture liquidity still a trickle

Nvidia’s iRay shows lifelike graphics, streamed from the cloud

Google Local Search for Mobile — now with less typing

5 O’Clock Roundup: Kleiner expands $100M iFund, Intel kills Classmate, AOL prepares for fire sale

Augmented reality could help with ordering your Ferrari’s wheels

Tokyo Game Show 2009 Recap: The Frustrations

Preparis snags $4.6M for disaster preparedness software

Nvidia’s graphics chips to be used in national lab’s supercomputer

Twitter will let users create, share lists of people to follow

Real-time search engine OneRiot turns ads on when Twitter won’t

Booyah rakes in $5M for online social game based on real life

Nvidia shows off next-generation graphics chip — it’s a little late

Fujifilm launches a 3-D photo digital camera

Firetide raises $8.6M to provide wireless mesh networks

Delivery Agent snags $24.8M to supply entertainment e-commerce tools

Barracuda gobbles up majority stake in Phion to beef up enterprise security

DFJ, Claremont invest $6.5M in out-of-home ad network

Satiety fills up on $25.3M for obesity treatments

Financial reporting software maker HyperRoll sells off assets to Oracle

Rejecting Tim Schafer

HX Diagnostics takes $4.7M for disease diagnostics

Discussion Topic – Bugs

Lunch.com’s Twitter Lists make every day #followfriday

Cleantech trumps IT, biotech as dominant investment sector in Q3

Android eating Nokia’s lunch, report says

The Internet sure likes talking about Google Wave

Imeem reboots without Sequoia in new $6M round

God of War III Demo?! Sweet! Not.

Sony’s PSPgo hits store shelves tonight, targeting game download fans (video)

Facebook eases Connect sign-up to expand reach across the web

Weebly brings its simple website builder to schools

Cliqset wants to fill the hole that will be left by FriendFeed

Collaboration startup Huddle takes on WebEx with web conferencing and an iPhone app

I May Game, But I Ain’t No Geek

White paper guidelines – less glory, more story